2 min readDec 26, 2021


30 Days Writing Challenge
Day 3: “A Memory”

Hallo Salma!

Maaf yaa aku ga konsisten nulis belakang ini karena ada PAS jadi harus belajar, kalau begadang nanti takut telat login nya. Iya soalnya tesnya online jadi aku ga mau ketinggalan atau nanti pas ngerjain ngantuk. Selalu ada gitu halangannya,I’m sorry ☹

Btw, gimana hari ini? Apa semuanya baikkan? Aku harap semuanya baik, luvv.

Lama ga nulis jadi bingung mau nulis apa, tema kali ini sebuah kenangan atau ingatan. Sebenarnya ada banyak kenangan manis ataupun pahit yang pernah aku alami. Emm, aku nulisnya pakai bahasa inggris aja yaa biar sekalian belajar bahasa inggris juga. Kata pepatah sih menyelam sambil minum air wkwkwkwk.

So, what are you doing here, I don’t want to talk too much and the details, just a flashback may be enough.

There are so many things I’ve never done and that’s what I want to do in the future. Actually I don’t want to remember the bad memories I’ve ever had, let alone to remember ohh big no! Everything just crossed my mind so it made me feel very very sad and broke at that time.

Not once or twice, but rather I was left behind. Alone. It really hurts, yes, when I was still sitting in junior high school. New Year’s Eve and Eid Al-Fitr, which should be a night for family gathering and fun, but not for me. I was alone, more accurately I was left alone and the loneliness that accompanies me.

As I said before, I don’t want to remember those bitter memories again but bravely the memories flashed through my mind, even I still remember them until this moment. I’m so sad that it makes me cry just remembering it.

They say they care but in reality?

No he didn’t really care, if they cared they wouldn’t have left me alone then.

I used to be afraid of loneliness but not anymore, that now I’m good friends with loneliness itself. And I liked it, I also realized that since then I always wear a mask to cover my sadness. Laugh when in front of them as if I am the happiest human who has never felt disappointment in life. But on the contrary. It’s enough I can’t take it anymore. Do I know I’m writing this while crying.

Am I telling the truth? Ohh I don’t want to tell everything so that only I can feel it and God knows.

Thank you so much, have a nice day. Because I wrote it last night so forever, I love me.

